Underdogs Festival #2
The second edition of our DIY Festival UNDERDOGS lands on the ADM with artists from all over Europe.
>> Save the date:
04.12.2025 @ ADM (Amsterdam)
An event that brings together the values of Do It Yourself, with international and local guests appreciated for the quality of their music, their background, and their inclusive and anti-racist values. A 100% self-produced festival, and all benefits go to solidarity cause Help 4 Dunkerque. After the first sold-out edition of Underdogs in Paris, this night promises to be a big one!
This events recalls the non-tolerance of sexist, ableist, LGBTQIA+ phobic, classist and racist behaviors. The festival considers it important to respect everyone’s space.
Line up

Underdogs Festival #1
Thanks everyone, it was sold out! You made this first edition of our UNDERDOGS festival a real magical moment with an incredible atmosphere and people who crossed Europe to support the cause (Greek solidarity fund TAMEIO).
It was a unique moment of sharing between punk and DIY rap, with Dio Miden Dio Miden, Unwound, Grut, the amazing 0-100 Seirene and Trholz.
We warmly thank Le Hangar of Ivry, Cronos association, and Initiative Grecque.
100% self-produced
An event that brings together the values of Do It Yourself, with guests appreciated for the quality of their music, their background, and their free, inclusive and anti-racist values. All festival profits will be donated to a solidarity fund.
This first edition was organized in Paris and all funds raised from tickets went to the athenian association TAMEIO, providing legal aid to political prisoners arbitrarily detained in Greece.